Sunday, December 30, 2018

2019, Here We Come!

We’re about to roll into the New Year. A year that will hold surprises, happiness and sadness. A year that will bring new babies, new beginnings, endings, and new husbands and wives. A year that brings graduations, promotions and losses. A year that will bring new love, loss of love, heartache and lessons learned.

When we pass from one year to another, especially a year that has seemed more trying, we all wish for a better one ahead. We always hope to walk away from the year that seemed to test our strength and willpower, towards another year that will be kinder to our hearts and our bodies. That we leave the year of sickness and sorrow behind, for another year filled with good health.

The year 2018 is just about over folks, and while I can’t say it was an especially bad year for me; I have had better, but that was a long, long time ago. Honestly, I think the older I get, the lower the bar is set for what I believe to be acceptable and not. I mean, if I can make it through a year with no major sicknesses, no broken bones or sprained ankles from stumbling into holes in my yard or over the curb I didn’t see, my family stays relatively healthy, my children are progressing and moving forward in life, and we all still have jobs and our homes – I consider that to be a pretty banner year.
I no longer take my health for granted like I did from birth until I was about 30 or so. I know there are all kinds of things around the corner, just waiting to jump on me if I get lax in my resolve to take better care of myself.

As a lot of you may remember, I’ve been on a “diet” for several months now – since about the first part of October. My goal was to reach a weight loss of 25 pounds by December 31st – and while I don’t know yet that I’ll make it, I am down 20 pounds and that’s more than I’ve succeeded in quite some time. I’m still sticking to the nothing but water and my one cup of coffee each day. I confess I did have two glasses of sweet tea with my Thanksgiving meal, but the next morning when I opened the refrigerator and saw the rest of that tea in the pitcher staring me down, calling my name, I poured it all down the sink and back to the water I went.

So I have no real resolutions for the New Year. Some of you may remember me telling you last year about this time to not vow to lose 50 pounds, just try and lose 15, and keep it off. So I’ve dropped 20 and that’s my vow, to keep it off and to keep going. Keep the resolutions simple and doable, your goals reality-based and your disappointments will be less.

The New Year is headed our way and we only have just so much control over what comes with it. Take charge of what you can, and pray for the rest.

Have a safe and Happy New Year!

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