Saturday, December 8, 2018

The Woes of Decorating

I’ll begin where I left off last week, when I was telling you all that I wasn’t ready to decorate for Christmas yet, as Thanksgiving was early this year, which would put Christmas about 5 weeks out instead of four. Which also means, I would have to have my house and how we have to rearrange it for the tree, etc. to be decorated a week longer.

I said I absolutely didn’t want to do that. It was just too long. But if you remember correctly, I also told you that I had visited Esposito’s that Sunday to see all the new Christmas decorations. Well, what you don’t know, is what an about-face I did after all of that!

I got in that place, saw all those pretties, bought a few of them for myself, and before I had even completed my drive home that day, I knew it was going to happen. Yes sir, that tree was going up!
Before I even got home, I was placing calls; one to my son and one to my husband. I knew my husband wouldn’t be able to get all the decoration’s down from that loft in the shed alone, so I hit both of them up at once, and asked them to team-up and start getting it done.

Now last year was the first actual year that my husband and I did everything in the house alone. I’ll admit, I thought it would have gone smoother. It did not. So I decided right then and there, that it wasn’t just a child thing – all the arguing and carrying on about me and my “ordering folks around”. Oh no – this year when it started all over again, I know right then – it’s a man thing.

Right from the beginning my husband kept trying to tell what we did and didn’t need to do anymore, what I did and didn’t do last year, and that we needed to start tapering down our decorating. Um, no.
I had already given in last year and bought a new tree. A “skinny” tree. So we could put the tree in a different place other than in front of his front door – which kept it blocked and locked for 4-5 weeks. Which also made him have to take the back door, and through the carport to get around to the front porch – which he rarely sits on this time of the year anyway.

So when I came home with a few new ornaments, it started. “Where are you possibly going to put those, that little tree won’t hold all of that?” “I thought I told you not to buy anything else for that tree?” THAT remark got him a dagger to the chest with my left eye.

And all through the rest of the decorating he was trying to tell me, what went where – like he remembers past yesterday most days. My gracious, what I thought would go so much better went exactly the same. So I have surmised, and am convinced, that all the drama and chaos is definitely not me, it’s them.