Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Bundle up! Nah..Just Kidding!!!

It’s a confusing sight to wake-up to greenish/yellow dust covering everything in sight, and then, to cap it off, a white crunchy layer of frost. Man alive! I just thought me and my sinuses had seen and sucked into my nostrils, a lot of pollen just a few weeks ago. But good grand – I hadn’t seen nothing yet – compared to what is happening now.

And I also knew, that we were not done with – for the sake of using standard terminology – we’ll call it winter. I mean this is Florida so we jokingly refer to our occasional 30-degree mornings as winter, but you know, let’s keep it real and acknowledge that we really don’t even know what winter is! A real winter is ski caps, layered clothing, and snow boots. Some days, it’s real hard to even spot a windbreaker on anybody’s back.

Matter of fact, last week, before this last “winter storm” came blasting in, it was 80-something-degrees and folks were walking around in their khaki shorts and sandals. And believe me, they didn’t have to dig far into their closets to find them again, because Florida folks don’t bag up summer and winter clothes. We have a year-round line of clothing that hangs from the closet rod, and a jacket that sits on that same rod to the far right, just in case of an emergency.  Heck, I have some friends that live in the southern region of Florida that were building sand castles at the beach just last week!

The switch on my air conditioner remote will have to be replaced far before the actual unit itself gives up and dies. I am constantly punching the up and down button for whatever weather the day may bring. And you know that funky smell your heater always seems to put out the first time you turn it on? Well, we don’t just smell that when fall rolls around, I’ve smelled that three times this “winter” because we’ve also used the a/c in between times.

And God Bless America! You know I told ya’ll that my husband had advised me the last time I asked him to move my front porch plants to safety, that he wasn’t doing it again. They would stay in a covered, safe area until spring. Well, it was 80 degrees for gosh sakes and they needed some sunshine, so you know he really did move them for me. So, the other night when I spotted the cold snap coming our way on the weather channel – you already know what I asked him to do. I mean my Angel Wing Begonias already had blooms for gosh sakes! We couldn’t let them die now, we’ve protected them for months! Well, he moved them, but there was a generous amount of grumbling involved, and I think I may have heard something that sounded like my name with some spicy adjectives slung-up in there as well.

Cover your noses, stay off the porch rockers, and try not breathe while you’re out there folks – that pollen is deadly and so is the next heat wave that’s just around the corner.

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