Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Life On The Run

My son Josh has a friend Aliza..they went to high school together. They see each other maybe 2 times a year..and they are still close friends at 24 years old. He sees her when he comes home on holidays, if she is here, and she makes stop offs in Tuscaloosa on her way back from wherever she has been.

She is in and out of school as she can afford it. She is working her way thru. Her goal, a wildlife veterinarian. Aliza is everything I think we all want to be. She's a nomad. She has been everywhere..alone. Just packs a bag and goes.

Her next journey, which begins in Australia. Freaking Australia I tell you. Just packing 2 bags..and will be gone a year. I cannot imagine. She stood here in my living room a few minutes ago (her and Josh are headed the Imax to see Harry Potter in Tally) and I was just in awe at her bravery, courage and self assurance. I asked her did she have a place, a job, a plan..she said she was looking for jobs..everything else was unplanned..winging it!

I love that my son is of the generation who doesn't think they have to get married and have 2.5 children by the time they are 30 years old. What exciting lives they all have ahead of them..because we have raised them to be different. To divide and conquer. Living life life.

copyright © 2010 Michelle Mount Mims


  1. OMGosh!! I love her already!! Doing the things I always wanted to do - but I guess I was afraid to!! Big sigh!! Thanks for sharing and keep us posted!!

  2. Awesome.... I want to go with her, Always wanted to see the out back.

  3. aliza made it to the down under =) she and her sister have done some amazing things. they're both pretty great, and will definitely accomplish everything they ever wanted to! <3
