Saturday, October 6, 2018

Life of a Television Addict

The question of the day in the Mims household is: how many shows can you pre-record on a cable DVR box? I have tried an internet search to find out, I have tried calling to find out. First thing, I don’t know what kind of box I have in my home. Second thing, WHY DON’T THEY KNOW what kind of box I have in my home? They gave it to me, I’m paying them for it monthly. Yes, it’s probably on my statement, but I threw that away once I paid the last monthly bill that was due, and no, I don’t do on-line bill paying.

So now that you know what an old antique of a human I am, you should also understand why I think THEY should know all of those answers! But they don’t, so they gave me scenarios over the phone that didn’t help me one iota.

Now if you’re wondering why all of a sudden, I need to know all of these things, it’s quite simple. The new Fall programming has begun and I watch A LOT of television. Almost of my shows from last year are back, with the exception of a few cancelled shows that I am still writing letters to the studio’s about as we speak, and there are at least a dozen new ones!

All of these shows of course, come on different networks at the same time, on the same night! It’s just not possible to watch them all as they are originally aired. The other night when I began to see what was scheduled so that I could pre-record to my DVR – my screen was lit-up like a Christmas tree with red bulbs all over it! I had no idea what the limit was of course, so I just kept hitting record until it told me to stop – or refused to go any further – neither of which happened!

But my other question was just how long it will hold all of those recorded shows for me? Is there a time limit? And once again, we went back to issue of what dang box I have that no one, including the people who bill me, quite extravagantly every month I might add, seemed to know.

I need to know that because some shows I watch alone and some shows my husband and I watch together. And depending on when he is working, and what time he has to go to bed, (with the chickens) also limits us as to how much time we have available to watch together. And you couples that watch together know what I’m talking about when I say what a hail storm it is when one dares to watch a shared program without the other!

So basically, what I am saying is this: I have an exorbitant amount of television viewing to do. I’m actually rather frazzled even thinking about it and it’s only the first week of the season! So, unless it’s a dire emergency, like you’re on fire, or you can see my house on fire from across the street – I’m going to be very busy. Don’t call me; I’ll call you.

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