Wednesday, April 3, 2019

It's About Time!

I have lived in two different homes since I moved to Quincy, Florida in 1998 – both of them were single bath homes.  So, for the last 21 years, somehow, with anywhere from 2-4 people living in either one of those homes, we managed to survive with just one bathroom.
I DO NOT KNOW HOW. Through all the sicknesses, with sometimes multiple people being sick at once – you name it – it’s happened and no one killed anyone.

Now I will admit, when we first moved here, myself and my children lived out in the country and they learned very quickly, as children will do, how “convenient” it is to be a male sometimes and that our rather large yard was a wide-open range available for such things. However, they rarely strayed further than our huge front porch, so you had to announce yourself sometimes before stepping at the front door!

I will also say, when we made the big leap to move back into the city limits of Quincy, rehabilitation back to civilization was a little difficult for my youngest son. He was nine years old and he couldn’t understand why the great outdoors was NOT where he could take care of business anymore.
Well, he is grown and gone now and three became only two, so the one bathroom seemed to become more manageable again. The 30-minute showers, and catching up on his You Tube videos and Snapchats from the comfort of the only seat in the bathroom were also over.  Our one little bathroom was now available almost anytime you needed it once again!

Very recently, we had some life-changes in our home. My younger sister’s husband died very suddenly and quite unexpectedly, and she has some varied health limitations that will not allow her to live alone. For now, and the last month or so, she has been living with us. There are other plans in the works, but for now this is our situation. Needless to say, our little bathroom became very small again.

But guess what is FINALLY going to happen?! That’s right! My home is finally going to give birth to another bathroom! It is going to be huge! It is going to be beautiful! And, it is going to be mostly ALL MINE! HA!

Not really, but it will extend off the back of the house, more specifically our bedroom, so that I can step straight out of my room into my own private bathroom! I am so excited I can hardly stand myself!

We have been picking out bathroom cabinets, sinks, flooring, tile and showers. We’re at kind of a stand -off about the shower. I’m alright with just a shower, but I want a large one, certainly not one of those walk in and stand in one spot, showers. But I’m getting older, and I want a place to sit down, to shave my legs – because I promise you – the days of propping a leg up on a shower wall to shave are about over!

I’ll let you know how it goes. We are literally just getting started so I am SURE there will be many stories that feed off of this adventure!

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