Thursday, April 18, 2019

Welcome to Sprummer!

Welcome to Sprummer! We evidently are not going to experience anything close to Spring so we’ll move right onto summer! I mean, technically, we did get like 4 days of Spring. But it was hard to tell since it was sandwiched in between freezing-making-snowman-days and 85-degree-pool-days.

I just would have liked to have had the opportunity to ease into the warmer weather. Folks, it’s April and the high temperatures are already in the 80’s. WHY?!  Ya’ll know I am not a fan of extreme heat, the kind that has you sweating just to walk to the mailbox and back.

And I am sure we won’t have to worry about freezing temperature drop’s before Easter this year – it’s just not happening. So, ladies – you go right on ahead and wear that pretty pastel, sleeveless sundress to the Sunrise Service – and take a hand-fan, cause you’re going to need both in order to be comfortable.

I apologize for kind of being all over the place in this story today, but it kind of relates and it’s bursting inside my head to get out, so I’m just gonna talk about it anyway.

So, speaking of heat – you all already know that we’re doing a small re-model at my house. Adding-on an additional bathroom which will feed right off of our bedroom. The problem is, which it’s not really a problem but it is a bit of a deal – the place where we have picked for the entrance-way from one room to the other, to be cut-out, is right next to my bed, which is literally what is my bedroom window now. And guess what THAT is connected to and why it matters?!

BECAUSE – that is where MY window unit is! YIKES! I know right?! So last weekend, when all of this suddenly occurred to me, I told my husband we have GOT to come up with an alternate plan for that a/c unit. Like quickly, before they get to the part of cutting a door out – because that window unit has GOT to be relocated.

Now years ago, when we first installed that unit, we decided it didn’t look so bad, it was on the back of the house, nobody could really see it and it has served its purpose well. But now, the only option for another window for that unit is on the side of our house – where it’s ugly and most anybody can see it.

Ask me was it a struggle within me to move that unit, ask me did I care one iota who could see it from the road – ASK ME! Cause the answer is, not even a little bit. I cannot sleep without that north pole wind blowing in my bedroom every night – ugly or not.

So even if Sprummer is here – and it is my friends, it really is – I’m going to be alright. We’re moving that window unit this upcoming weekend and whenever it is that they are ready to cut that door – my comfort-ability won’t miss a beat!

I hope you all enjoy your Easter dinners, family and friends. Oh! And remember to where your sun-block, just in case the preacher goes into over-time!

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