Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Christmas Is....So Many Things....In Disguise

Christmas is Jesus. Jesus is Christmas. Jesus Christ is "the reason for the season". This I know. But I also know, Jesus presents himself in many, many forms. He is present in everything we see and everything we do. So to say Christmas is Jesus is absolutely right. As I applied this theory in my mind, I begin to think of all things CHRISTmas is to me. I mentally began to make my list and this is how it went.

Christmas is:

  • The first time your child or grandchild takes off on their new bicycle. The one with the training wheels hugging the ground. But from the wide eyed, open mouthed expression on your child's face, it's as if they are flying to the moon. 
  • Your oldest son's life dream is coming true. His work is published again and again. He has also found the love of his life. And you know, he is on his way to his happily ever after. 
  • Santa will visit and your son will PROBABLY receive the 22 rifle he has been hoping and wishing for....WITH the provision that he takes a gun safety class...FIRST.  Because Santa believes in safety first too. 
  • You visit your grandfather in the nursing home. He usually has a hard time remembering his absolutely favorite grandchild, but today, he remembers your name the whole hour long visit.
  • Two young men who run a lawn care business take care of your lawn every week. This week, the week before Christmas, their services are free of charge. 
  • It's 4 weeks before Christmas and you are laid off from your job. Your family pitches in and pays your bills and buys your groceries. Because that's what family's do. 
  • The baby you are carrying will not make it to this world. But the good Lord reminds you, that you have another baby, already here, who will heal your heart and ease your pain, until He decides it's time to try again.
  • You are lucky enough to be surrounded by family, although not the ones given to by blood, but by fate and by heart. 
  • After six months of  testing, and re-testing, all of your tests come back negative. You do not have cancer. A second chance to get healthy and make changes in your body and diet. 
  • Your husband celebrates the five year mark of his Prostate being cancer free.
  • Your son makes many trips in the dark from class to car across a big college campus. And he makes it every single time, unharmed. 
  • The dog you love so much needs you to help him get to heaven. You are heartbroken, but know he will be pain free and with all the other doggies of your life.
  • Your child has joined chorus, mostly (you are convinced) to avoid a much more complicated class. You're not sure if the rest of the world can hear it, but as he walks through the house singing his choral tunes, all your ears absorb is the most angelic voice you have ever heard.
  • You're 48 years old, and it really is, finally alright, that your husband bought you new cookware for a gift instead of diamonds.
  • Your friend who spent almost a whole year sick, throwing up, and in unimaginable pain while fighting breast cancer...through chemo and radiation, has won her battle and she has rejoined the world and all it's glory.
  • Your friend who lost her oldest son to war July 2010, has survived grief, breast cancer, and life for another year. 
  • Your friend who was floundering and needed a purpose and a new meaning for her life, is having the best, most successful year of her life selling real estate and regaining her confidence and sense of being.
  • You've attended two baby showers in six months, and were able to  personally witness miracles in motion.
  • Your friend whose husband had been jobless for months and months, was able to find a job, and save their home and make life comfortable once again. 
  • Your children have been taught to respect and mind their manners enough to smile without missing a beat, as they open the third package of undershirts and tube socks from their Grandparents who don't know boys wear flip flops year round'. 
  • The husband who drives you crazy, recognizes your pain, and surprises you with a visit from your son who's living away at college..for your birthday AND Thanksgiving!
  • Your Grandfather who has not seen you play all year, for pain and circumstance, was finally able to see one of the finest games of your life. Smiling from ear to ear and pain free. From the skybox.
  • Your teenage child experiences love and heartbreak for the first time. And you are able to gently walk down the road of recovery with him and months later, watch him love again. 
  • And maybe if not the best, most fun sign of Christmas? They are showing Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer at least six times in the month of December!
Merry Christmas to one and all. I hope everything you need to see in the spirit of Jesus, you see. I hope the miracles that happen every single day, don't go unnoticed.  Happy Birthday Jesus. Thank you for making my life complete.

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